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Interlacing the access to information gap

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08 Nov
Amanda Ellen Nicola Jojo

Subscription fees and paywall are often the bane of students and academics, especially those at small institutions who don't have access to many article repositories.

Africa Online and Publications Library (www.africaopl.org) is set to interlace that gap by helping the academia with tools to allocate and access the information they need to produce compelling and innovative writing.

Submit books, articles, reports, reviews etc by simply creating an account on our website:


1. Sign up https://www.africaopl.org/register OR sign in with Google or LinkedIn https://www.africaopl.org/login

2. Update your profile https://www.africaopl.org/account/profile

3. Connect with other AOPLIANS


4. Submit the works you have authored https://www.africaopl.org/dashboard#/

5. Have the works checked for suitability on our website.

6. Have the worked deposited on our repository https://www.africaopl.org/publications

7. Choose whether you want the works downloadable or not. You can put it on preview or decided only to show the abstract, summary or excerpt to visitors. If the find interest in your work, they can contact you on how to go about obtaining a copy.